I could be wrong but sounds like you're putting a lot of effort on finding loopholes. With that said, I want to invited you to learn more about white Europeans horrific mark on the continent of Africa, since this is where the slave trade started. Also, in South Africa it's very recent so there's plenty to learn about the segregations and racism there as well. My friends was not even allowed on the nice beaches because it was for whites only- same with restrooms, public transportation, etc. You can also see white people's maltreatment to the Indigenous people of Sweden and Norway, the Sami. Or colored people anywhere in Europe. So yes, it carries further than just the USA. But when you look for loopholes, you find excuses. Which is where I think you have landed.
Also, a little lesson; Native Americans does not just refer to Indigenous people in this country ("USA"). It refers to all Indigenous Americans from north to south. I blame the "USA is the only country that matters"- mindset that is unfortunately very common.
ps. Stop putting white in quotation marks.
Chaltü may